Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii Summary Chapter 79

Click here for Chapter 78

Chapter 79:


Kara and Bard are still trapped at the catacombs.

Bard thinks that Kara is unlike any other girl. But then again, that doesn't mean that he has changed his feelings about Sheila.

Suddenly, Bard asks, "Kara, what is your favorite colour?"

Kara, dumbfounded, tells him it's white. But why the hell does he want to know that? No reason, Bard says. White is like the color of a wedding dress, he says.

No, not wedding dress. One time, back when Kara and Nike still slept together, they say a white apparition fluttering outside the window. Bard looked like he knows she is probably talking about a ghost.

Kara likes to see ghosts. She sees ghosts once in a while. Bard hasn't seen them at all though. He says he is more afraid of spurned women getting back for revenge. 

Kara then sees a white fluttering in front of them, at a path going into darkness. Kara then leads Bard to the opposite path without telling him she saw something just then.

Kara can sense water but because she has been carrying a huge man for some time now, she's too tired to focus on it. Bard suggests resting but Kara wants to hurry. She doesn't feel safe.

They enter a hole. But this turns out to be a dead end. Or is it?

In front of them is a cave that has been covered underwater. There is an apparition again above the water but no one mentions anything that they have seen it.

Kara believes that the cave is the exit.

The two decide to wade into the water.

Bard think about Sheila once again as he swims underwater. Suddenly, there's an apparition of Sheila pointing to behind him. Kara is drowning.

Bard tries saving Kara but his foot hurt. But he is resolved to live as he hugs on tight to Kara. He thinks that if he doesn't live, all the stuff about Sheila would have been in vain.

The two manage to go to the exit and finally get air. They are now at the Place of Tears (the irrigation system in the kingdom).

The sun was already rising.

Bard lets a tear drop. Kara looks on.

They are fetched by Neil, Livius, and Nike. Livius' pet woke him up and told them to go there. All is well.

As Kara glances back to the water, she sees the apparition again and notices that she has limitators as earrings! Three of them even! She actually looked like Nike to me but then again.

When the group got back, Bard approved the proposal for Sheila's monument. Bard also is trying to figure what he is to Kara.

Meanwhile, Neil collapses in his office.

Otakumole translator: Salven

Click here for Chapter 80


  1. Thanks for this summary! ^^ By the way, where do you read your manga from? Just curious since I've only read up to Chapter 80 and can't wait any longer zzz


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